
This is our time!

The scene from the social network .. It tells you some secrets about entrepreneurs inside

Living their ideas

entrepreneurs would rather keep spending their money on their ventures, rather than getting paid to let go. This means its not about the money, but about becoming who we are and who we are meant to be..

I am CEO, bitch

You might not like the words, but if you ever been challenged to prove effectiveness and survive the conditions people put to limit you by all means you would feel good that no one can limit you anymore .. you are beyond all limitations and the lazy fat bastards who think they have the right to approve or disapprove you.

So, even if you’re not an entrepreneur become today the CEO of your life. look in the eyes of people who disapprove you and tell them: Keep your approval, and have a nice day.

Why are most founders weird?

empowering an idea to become reality requires you be extremely something; extremely courageous .. smart .. faithful or strong. This is why people think hat we are weird, maybe they are right: We are strange people but very normal founders!

Ever thought like “what if they were right and I am just a weird kid?” .. yeah me too. And I think all founders experience this kind of thoughts. I see them not like doubts but like the health check you do every now and then. When life gets tough on you either be tougher or do nothing, just hold your ground and be sure hat everything is gonna be fine again.

Speaking about founders, most of us are egoistic like artists. We do think we’re better than everyone else and we can outdo everybody in our field.

We’re also naturally rich people, we’re not impressed with fancy cars or cloths ..

Founders are obsessed with their jobs like addicts to drugs! We can spend numerous hours of continuous work and forget to eat or sleep.

Just like the moon eclipse, the greatest founders each has a dark side in their character. Mark Zuckerberg is not good with people, and Steve Jobs is not tough enough that he’d been kicked out of his company, and Sean Parker spends a lot of time playing around. These are all amazing founders and I love them all and their dark sides.

So you’re a founder ?! Hats off, man.


This is Chad Harley founder of Youtube

The Curse of 20!

I remember when I was in my room feeling terribly down, while my sister walked in and said don’t worry, this is normal .. it is the curse of 20!

We all seek to be in balance and harmony with ourselves, some people are so lucky that they find themselves early in life. And then they go and start drawing the picture they really want to see at the end.

If you’re above 20 then you will relate. There is a battle that every teenager must go through; “who the hell I am? And what should I do? Why I exist here and now?!”

Why 20?!

Maybe because its a turning point between living as a kid depending on others and living on your own, expected to be of value to people around you.

What is the curse?!

It is reaching the peak of the conflict between the real you and what you think you are. Its like being confused between completing college or starting your own business.

What to do?!

Listen closely to what your inner being wanna say, you have inside you all the wisdom and knowledge you need to make the right choice. Don’t be afraid to piss some people off or walk on a rough road. Remember that:

All roads are rough & all decisions are tough, so go for something that is worth fighting for.


Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.

Why become Egypreneur?


We the young people in Egypt are becoming Egypreneurs because

  1. We’re smart & ambitious
  2. We’d prefer building a pyramid to climbing it!
  3. Life is so boring without challenges
  4. Entrepreneurs build their countries economies and we believe to the bottom of our hearts that we can & we will
  5. We’re born to inspire and make a big difference, we wouldn’t make perfect employees
  6. They have said that we can’t
  7. The world has become so open and full of motivating opportunities
  8. We don’t lose hope no matter what happens
  9. We usually do things better than the way they are done
  10. We are brave enough to follow our passion and become who we really are.

I am an Egypreneur …