The Curse of 20!

I remember when I was in my room feeling terribly down, while my sister walked in and said don’t worry, this is normal .. it is the curse of 20!

We all seek to be in balance and harmony with ourselves, some people are so lucky that they find themselves early in life. And then they go and start drawing the picture they really want to see at the end.

If you’re above 20 then you will relate. There is a battle that every teenager must go through; “who the hell I am? And what should I do? Why I exist here and now?!”

Why 20?!

Maybe because its a turning point between living as a kid depending on others and living on your own, expected to be of value to people around you.

What is the curse?!

It is reaching the peak of the conflict between the real you and what you think you are. Its like being confused between completing college or starting your own business.

What to do?!

Listen closely to what your inner being wanna say, you have inside you all the wisdom and knowledge you need to make the right choice. Don’t be afraid to piss some people off or walk on a rough road. Remember that:

All roads are rough & all decisions are tough, so go for something that is worth fighting for.

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